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  1. IconoAlkaendraCastellano
  2. IconoAlkaendraIngles

The Narrative Game

Guerrera MavraDefining a narrative game is relatively easy: imagine an interactive play, in which each player perform a character and in which your decisions could affect the development of the plot set by the Game Director. Options that you choose are important and may modify what is happening.
                            Obviously, there are limitations to what you can make with friends sitting at home in front of a table. To resolve this the rules exist, allowing the easy resolution of any challenge or action the players wish to perform. As in life itself, chance is important here but should not be determinant.
                            There are no winners or losers. The narrative games tend to encourage cooperation between players to achieve a common goal. And the game has not to end with the day, and may continue for several gaming sessions.
                            The only limit is your imagination ...

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Alkaendra, los Sueños Perdidos. Sitio web creado por Francisco Javier Río Lorda. Año 2012.